Thursday, April 2, 2009

"I'd like to do a song of great social and political import."

(or a parody on some nowadays high school kids, who would die by any means for a place in an US college)

It goes like this:

Oh Lord, won’t you get me a place in the school?
My friends all have Ivies, I must make me cool
Worked hard till my brain's full, with help from the tools
So Lord, won't you get me a place in the school?

Oh Lord, won’t you increase my SAT score?
This grade by College Board is a damn hardcore
I wished just a little more would widen my door
Oh Lord, won’t you increase my SAT score?

Oh Lord, won’t you write me a good reference?
I’m counting on you, Lord, you have influence
Prove that you love me and make it decent,
Oh Lord, won’t you write me a good reference?

Oh Lord, won’t you get me a place in the school?
My friends all have Ivies, I must make me cool
Worked hard till my brain's full, with help from the tools
So Lord, won't you get me a place in the school?

And this is by... J. Joplin