Tuesday, April 7, 2009


... for me, is judged by the man's ability to make both ends meet for his family. It is not only the matter of finance, but also the proof of his responsibility and maturity.

I'm specifically referring to the artist (poet, photographer, singer, actor, painter...) who considers his so-called "pride" a priority over his family. That means, he might remain unemployed and refuse to get a job because he thinks it offends his status as a true artist. Or, he withdraws from daily chores and only concentrates on his works, which (sadly) does not earn him a penny. He, the selfish one who abandons his beloveds does not deserve masculinity. Artistism makes a male look attractive, but it does not singularly make him a man.

In this sense, I don't consider c.V, or even Kurt, a good man. I adore them with the whole of my heart as my heroes, but not as a role model I expect from a lifelong partner. I'm not materialistic; I'm realistic: my partner need not be rich, but he must be caring and responsible for me - and to some extent, must try to bring me a better life (and yes, I'm doing the same thing).

I hate the idea if some extreme feminists who claim their equality by the thought that they can do everything with the absence of men. No, I'm not feminist. Why being feminist when you are a woman?


24 Heartbeats Per Sec said...

This sounds familiar? Was it from your blog?