Recently there's an impossibility of expression. I let go less, and keep held more. I see no tendency (or necessity?) to make initiatives for feelings, for soul enlightenment, for artistry and jazz-inspired senses, for self-told stories. Still, I'm always apt to experiencing and experimenting, only that I'm hardly able to exhibit them. So, in absurdity, I sit back in the corner, think a lot and write a little... Of confronted issues such as HSC09 and summer warm-ups and/or the (usual) sentimental flow of irrational judgments and outrageous hatred, of (our) belost innocence in relationships, (of) the wrongness of (my) past conception, and of everything else that isn't even remembered to be recalled.
The thing is, I need intellectual talks (1), musical dates (2) and inspirational encounters (3). And a quest for a released mind (4). Be it or not, they're all about the righteous people, the perfect timing and an instinct-led place.
nhưng có khi sau này lại chỉ muốn mình nghĩ ít thôi ấy. Intellectual talks are good but will be better if your mind can be optimized. :)
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